Saturday, November 21, 2009

What Started It All: Adventures in Scouting Chapter 1

I wrote this about a year and a half ago, but shared it with only few people, so now I am opening up to those who would like to see why I love Boy Scouts so much, enjoy, and may the trail you are on leads you to great adventure. 


To my Scouting Friends, a small story that I wanted to share.

Growing up in rural Virginia and in Texas, I never had the chance to join in the adventures of Boy Scouts. That is one regret I wish I could change, but the good news is that I am fully involved with my Son's adventure. Let me share the story.

Never been involved with scouts, we never proposed it to my son. Then one day 2 1/2 years ago, he went to a birthday party with good friends that were all part of the same cub scout den. 6 boys who went to school together with my son, and have been doing cub scouting for at least 2 years.. there were all 9 or 10 year olds, what the Cub Scouts call Webelos. (4th grade boys in Cub Scouts)

Well, the den leader at that time asked my wife Jean if our boy would be interested... well, Jean did not make any commitments and basically said we probably would not enroll him. Then that evening, Jean mentioned it to me, and I said hey, if he has friends, and he wants to do it... well go right ahead... but I am not going to get involved... no time, no interest, no nothing...

The day came when the Cub Scout Pack had a "Cub Mobile Race" where they basically take home made carts, and raced them down a hill ... well the Den decided to invite my son... I said nothing, so what... Until...

Until he came home... his eyes were wide, he was full of energy and excitement, and he could not stop talking for an hour... something caught my son's interest, so much that he kept talking even as I walked into another room and came out again.. every detail of the races, and his turn at the race. His friends having fun, the games they played, and the number of other boys he knew from school that were in Cub Scouts... and it did not end there.

The bait had been swallowed, the hook was set, and my son begged for me to take him to Den meetings with his friends... I did not have the heart to squash his heart and enthusiasm. We went to the first meeting, I said nothing, it was in the Den Leader's home.

To my surprise, values I held true, traditions I cling to, this den surprised me. First by starting the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag, then they orderly sat and was LISTENING to the den leader as she opened the meeting. When she asked a question, they said "Yes Ma'am or No Ma'am" and they spoke with respect to each other, and still had a blast doing the activities as a team. I was floored. I did not not know that there was an organization that helped the boys learn respect for each other, and for elders, and to our great nation...

The cast was made, I was the fish, bait was taken and the hook set. I wanted to learn more.

Jean and I have taught our kids these values, but to have another organization support this and have them learn from it... now that was special. I approached the den leader and asked how can I help the den. She gave me something very specific... keep track of the boy's activity pins, and awards they have earned....

I jumped in with both feet, happy to help, and to see the boys earn awards for work they have done together or as an individual.

Soon after that, I started networking with in the Cub Scout Pack to learn about the other leaders and they, of course, introduced me to the supporting organization that supports the Pack. The district team was a huge mass of volunteer adults who give their talents and time for the success of the Scouting program...

I was having fun... oh yes, so was my boy... he was having fun just watching me have fun. I was at every meeting he was at, I helped where needed, and I even volunteered to teach a few topics.

Well, you think this was the highlight of my adventures in Scouting, well not quite...

There was one weekend we the cub den was to go camping, both my son and I were looking forward to it... but due to illness and such, the den had to cancel the trip at the last min... I was crushed... wanted to go camping with my son...

I dont know why I did this, but I picked up the phone and called around the district with my new found friends... well, I made new ones... there was a camp out called the Webelos Wood camp out our district was holding... where Boy Scout troops sponsor Webelos to come camping with them for 2 night, and learn what it is like to be a boy scout....

No idea, I just showed up as told, with a tent, sleeping bag, food, and wonder. I then met another friend on the journey, the Scout Master of Troop 61. He took us in, and sponsored us... and for the first time, I saw my son open up into a great new world...Boy Scouts... and my first glimpse of this great adventure we will take together.

Over that weekend I learned a lot, tons actually, and after many many more camp outs with my son, we became close friends... not just father and son.

From that point forward, in summary, my son had fun and was earning awards, and attending summer / winter camps, and I eventually took over as the den leader of the group which was a blast in itself.

Fast forward 2 1/2 years later, my son Crossed over as a Boy Scout in January, ahead of his peers and friends in the den. He chose Troop 505 in Austin, and has now forged many friends there, to include the adult leadership there. I was asked to join the ranks of the Assistant Scout Masters, which I feel humbled with all of these great leaders, many of whom earned their Eagle Rank when they were young.

My Son is having fun, smiles everytime we go to a troop meeting, he at 10 1/2 now hangs out with boys older than him.

Me? well, I continue to jump in with both feet. I support my son and other boys as much as I can. I contribute my time from teaching Cub Scout Classes to adults, outdoor leadership skills, and currently helping the new boys transitioning / crossing over to be Boy Scouts. Even took the top adult leadership course for Scouting, Wood Badge.

Am I proud of the Boy Scouts ? Yes, and am I proud of my son ? Yes. There are so many rewards in Scouting, no matter your views, or preference. I believe in core values, what ever they are, are not to be given up, and to have an organization that aligns with my core values and the values I wish my son to build just makes my day.

Give me a couple of more years in Boy Scouts, and I am sure we will be sharing more fun stories ...

As the founder of Boy Scouts, Lord Robert Baden-Powell said, "Scouting is a GAME with PURPOSE." and it is all fun to both my son and I . 

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